
New Project(1)

Online Mimicry Competition conducted

Patiala: June 14, 2020 Online Mimicry Competition conducted by Multani Mal Modi College Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala in association with the Youth Welfare Department


Photography Walk held by Photography Club

21st September, 2019Photography Walk held by Photography Club Photography walk is a method way to improve the photography skills and keep the motivation high. A


Debate and Declamation Contest for Talent Hunt

 Patiala: 27 September, 2019Debate and Declamation Contest for Talent Hunt A Debate and Declamation contest was held at Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala under the


Talent Hunt held for Fine Arts Competitions

 Patiala: 26 September, 2019Talent Hunt held for Fine Arts Competitions On Sept. 26th 2019 Talent Hunt for Fine Arts Competitions has been organized by Fine