
New Project(1)

Research Publications – 2018

  1. Khushvinder Kumar. Teacher education a place for experimentation Edu World 2018;8 (5) 2319-7129
  2. Khushvinder Kumar. An Analytical study of administration of the Punjab Government schools during the period 2009-14 Edu World 2018;8 (4) 2319-7129
  3. Khushvinder Kumar. Effectiveness of STAD and Jigsaw II techniques of cooperative learning on language listening proficiency skill of pre-service teachers Edu World 2018;8 (4)  2277-2405
  4. Khushvinder Kumar. Educating a Dyslexic children- A case study Edu World 2018;8 (4) 2277-2405
  5. Ajit Kumar and Vishal Goyal, “Hindi to Punjabi machine translation system based on statistical approach” in Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, (2018) ISSN: 0972-0510 (Print) 2169-0014 (Online)
  6. Manpreet Singh Lehal, Ajit Kumar, Vishal Goyal, “Review of techniques for extraction of bilingual lexicon from comparable corpora”, in International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2.30) (2018) 15-20 ISSN: 2278 – 1323
  7. Kamal Deep, Ajit Kumar,Vishal Goyal, “Development of Punjabi-English (PunEng) Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation System, in International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2) (2018) 690-693 ISSN: 2278 – 1323
  8. Navneet Kaur, Rajesh Kumar Bawa, Ganesh Kumar Sethi. A Technique for Skew Correction and Text Localization in Natural Scene Images International Journal of Research in Electronics AND Computer Engineering (IJRECE) ISSN (Online): 2348-2281ISSN (Print): 2393-9028 2018
  1. Jagjit Kaur, Raman Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar. Immobilization and characterization of L-Asparaginase extracted from Solanum Nigrum on magnetic nanoparticles. International journal of recent Scientific Research. (2018) 9(5): 27199-27206. Article Link
  2. Aooprva Singh, Neelam Verma, Kuldeep Kumar. L-asparaginase from Phyllanthus emblica (Amla): a novel source. International Journal  of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. (2018) 9(12): 5394-5400. Article Link
  3. Diwakar Aggarwal , Preetinder Kaur and Kuldeep Kumar.  Tissue Culture Propagation of High Value Ornamental Plant Rosa hybrida L. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Chemical Research. (2018) 8(1&2): 1-7 Article Link
  4. Deepika Singla. Adolescents’ Role in Family Buying Decision Making pp:652-656 International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering (Vol.12; No.6 2018) ISSN: 2225-742X(Print) ISSN: 2226-7344(Online)
  1. Deepika Singla. Adolescents’ Role in Family Buying Decision Making: A Behavioral Study of Indian Urban Families Pp:152-158 International Journal of Applied Studies and Production Management (Vol. 4; No. 1 2018) ISSN 2394-840X
  1. Deepika Singla. Evaluating parameters of Advertising Media used by marketers to influence Adolescents’ Buying Decision Making pp:171-188 Indian Journal of Management Studies (A Biannual Publication) (Vol. 22; No. 1 April 2018) ISSN: 0974-4355
  1. Deepika Singla. Demographic analysis of Adolescents’ Role in Family Buying Decision Making pp:35-49 PCMA Journal of Business (A Biannual Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal) (Vol. 11; No. 2 July- December 2018) ISSN: 0974-9977
  1. Rupinder Sharma, (2018). Upniyasik Kala Aur Jeevan Drishti : Anthasutron ke khoj, Sodh Disha. Issn No.0975-735X p.287-307. #fiUnz “kekZ] ¼2018½- miU;kfld dyk vkSj thou&n`f’V % var%lw=ksa dh [kkst- “kks/k fn”kk Issn No.0975-735X p.287-307.
  1. Harjinder Singh, M. Rajeshwari, and J.M. Khurana. “Synthesis, photophysical studies, and application of novel 2,7-bis(1-butyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methoxy)naphthalene as a highly selective, reversible fluorescence chemosensor for detection Fe3+ ions”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology- A: Chemistry. (2018) (353) : 424–432.
  1. Veenu, Charu Katare, Renu Bala Sharma (2018) Economic empowerment of women engaged in Phulkari- traditional handicraft of Punjab, Sustainable development of women-II. Mark books pub, N Delhi, 568-575
  2. Manish Sharma, Palwinder Singh and Devinder Singh “Taxonomic studies on Bercaea cruentata, Lioproctia annandalei and Sarcosolomania kaushalensis (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) of Indian origin”. Journal of Entomological Research, 2018, 42(1): 113-120.
  3. Heena Sachdeva and Sukhbir Kaur “ Cisplatin along with herbal drug treatment reduces the percentage of regulatory T cells and decreased the severity of experimental visceral leishmaniasis”. Journal of Microbiology Immunology and Infection. (2018) 51(4):435-445.
  4. Akshita DhaliwalNavjot Kaur and Raghbir Chand Gupta. Cytology of Some Grasses from Haryana and Shiwalik Hills. Cytologia (2018) 83(1): 22-30.
  1. Akshita Dhaliwal, Rajdeep Singh Dhaliwal, Navjot Kaur and Raghbir Chand Gupta. Cytomorphological Study in Genus Cenchrus L.: An Important Medicinal Plant from North India (Family: Poaceae). Cytologia (2018) 83(1): 45-52.
  2. Raghbir Chand GuptaAkshita Dhaliwal and Navjot Kaur.Cytological Study in Some Members of Tribe Paniceae (Poaceae) from Haryana and Adjoining Shiwalik Hills. Cytologia (2018) 83(1): 73-79.
  1. Rupinder Singh ‘Natakkaar Balwant Gargi Sabandhi Khoj-Karaj: Sathiti Te Mulankan’ International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews(IJRAR), January-March 2018, Vol-05, Issue 1, e-ISSN-2348-1269
  1. Deepak kumar (2018) SUKHWINDER AMRIT DI PUNNYA (SAMDARSHI, ISSUE. 162) SAHIT ACADEMY NEW DELHI (978-93-82455-78-3) (PAGES 68-76)
  2. Harpreet Singh, (2018). Language as a tool, designed by the totalitarian state –   an analysis of George Orwell’s Dystopian novel ‘1984’.  International Journal of English language, literature and translation studies (IJELR) Vol. 5. Issue.1., 2018 (Jan-Mar) Page 148-151 .an analysis of george orwell’s dystopian novel
  1. Nidhi Rani Gupta, Kuldeep Singh and Madhu Anand, CANCER: The Flip Side of the Green Revolution, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, (2016) Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 24-28. weblink
  2. Kumud Malika Tripathi, Anshu Bhati, Anupriya Singh, Nidhi Rani Gupta, Sankalp Verma, Sabyasachi Sarkar and  Sumit Kumar Sonkar, From the traditional way of pyrolysis to tunable photoluminescent water soluble carbon nano-onions for cell imaging and selective sensing of glucose, RSC Advances (2016) 6, 37319-37329 DOI link:
  3. Gaganpreet Kaur, Tilak Raj, Sonal Singhal, Navneet Kaur, Tricyclic dihydropyrimidine-based multifunctional organicnanoparticles for detection of Ag (I) ions and spermidine:Real-Time application, Sensors and Actuators B, 2018, 255, 424–432.
  1. Gaganpreet Kaur, Navneet Kaur, Estimation of sodium ions using easily engineered organic nanoparticles-based turn-on fluorescent sensor: Application in biological and environmental samples, Sensors and Actuators B, 2018, 265, 134–141.
  1. Gaganpreet Kaur, Amanpreet Singh, Ajnesh Singh, Navneet Kaur and Narinder Singh, Cobalt complexes of Biginelli derivatives as fluorescent probes for selective estimation and degradation of organophosphates in aqueous medium, Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 5595-5606.
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, Monika Pathak, Vikramjit Kaur, E-Record Keeping System in Healthcare: Step towards Digital India in International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, 2018,8(2),427-430.
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, Monika Pathak, Influence of Social Networking Sites on Social Behaviour, International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences.2018,8(1),297-302.
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, Dhiraj Sharma (2018), A Study of Telemedicine in Punjab: Scope and Challenges In Implementation at International Journal of Business, Management and Allied Sciences,2018,7(4) 11784-11786
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, A Study Of Attitude Of Patients Towards Emerging Trends in ICT Based Health Care Services International Journal of Business, Management and Allied Sciences,2018,5(1).186-188
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, Monika Pathak,E-health Services: A New Platform For Healthcare For All, International Journal of Current Advanced Research,2018,7(1),9611-9813
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, A Study of Patients’ Perspective Toward Telemedicine Services in Punjab, International Journal of Current Advanced Research,2018,7(1),10028-10030.
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, A Study of Service Providers’ Perspective Towards Telemedicine In Punjab, International Journal of Current Advanced Research,2018,7(3),11784-11786.
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, Dhiraj Sharma, A Study of Telemedicine in Punjab: Scope and Challenges in Implementation, International Journal of Business, Management and Allied Sciences,2018,5(1),11784-11786.
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, Dhiraj Sharma, Vikramjit Kaur, m-Health care services: New opportunity for health care in India, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development,2018,211-213.
  1. Gagandeep Kaur,Priya Pinder Kaur “A review on telemedicine services in India” in International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences”. (2018),8(1),214-218.
  1. Gagandeep Kaur, Dhiraj Sharma , A Review of The Research Literature on Telemedicine Services, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research,2018,9(2),24884-24886
  1. Vijay Kumar Singhal, Younas Rasheed Tantray, Maninder Kaur, Pawan Kumar Rana and Raghbir Chand Gupta “Intraspecific polyploidy (2x, 4x) in Primula denticulata Sm from Northwest Himalayas in India”. Cytologia (2018) 83 (1): 31-35.
  2. Younas Rasheed Tantray, Vijay Kumar Singhal, Maninder Kaur and Raghbir Chand Gupta “Cytomorphological comparison in natural intraspecific cytotypes (2x, 4x) in Brachyactis pubescens from North West Himalayas”. Cytologia (2018) 83 (3): 245-249.
  3. Younas Rasheed Tantray, Vijay Kumar Singhal, Maninder Kaur and Raghbir Chand Gupta “Male meiosis and chromosomal status in the genus Lactuca L. from Western Himalayas (India)”. Cytologia (2018) 83(3): 311-316.
  4. Maninder, Vijay Kumar Singhal “Irregular meiotic behaviour resulted into abnormal sporad formation and low pollen fertility in two accessions of Caltha palustris”. Jour. Emerging Tech. Innov. Res. (2018) 5 (8): 300-305.
  1. Maninder, Vijay Kumar Singhal “Cytomixis and associated meiotic abnormalities resulted into abnormal sporads and low pollen fertility in Ranunculus laetus”. Jour. Emerging Tech. Innov. Res. (2018) 5: (8) 306-311.
  2. Maninder, Vijay Kumar Singhal “First ever record of meiotic chromosome count, cytomixis and associated meiotic irregularities in Silene gallica L.” Jour. Emerging Tech. Innov. Res. (2018) 5 (8): 327-330. ISSN NO. 2349-5162.
  3. Gaurav Gupta Tween Marketing: Emerging Marketing Strategies in Modern Business Environment pp: 59-71 PCMA – Journal of Business (A Biannual Publication) (Vol.11, No.2 July- December 2018) ISSN: 0974-9977
  4. Gaurav Gupta Revamping India’s Education Sector pp: 187-199 International Journal In Applied Studies and Production Management (Vol.4, Issue: 1, May 2018) ISSN 2394-840X
  5. Gaurav Gupta Collapse of Oil Market: Causes and Its Impact on Global Economic Factors pp:811-820 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts , (Vol.6, Issue: 2, April 2018) ISSN 2320-2882
  6. Gaurav Gupta A study of Progressive Model of Microfinance in India pp: 591-595 (Vol.4, Issue: 4, December 2018) ISSN 2454-4248
  1. Cheema, Maninder Deep (2018), “Foreign Direct Investment in India: Recent Trends”, Vinayak Global Research Review, Vol. 5(1&2), pp: 164-174 (ISSN: 2349-4239)
  1. Sandeep Kumar Singla, Rahul Dev Garg, Om Prakash Dubey and Anu Bala” Extraction of Crop Information from Reconstructed Landsat Data in Himalayan Foothills Region “, Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), (2018) 125: 99-106.
  1. Hardeep Kaur, Sandeep Kumar Singla and Anu Bala ” IRIS Recognition System Based on Mode Decomposition and Fractal Dimensional ” Interntional Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE), (2018) 6(4): 988-993.
  2. Nancy Gupta, Sandeep Kumar Singla and Anu Bala ” Enhancement With Data Encryption Method in Multi-Model Biometric System “, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, (2018) 5(11): 208-218.
  3. Sandeep Kumar Singla, Rupinder Kaur and Anu Bala” Prediction of Depression in Human Behaviour using Deep Learning Neural Network”,   International  Journal of Health and Economic Development,  (2018) 4(2): 16-23.
  4. Chetna “Representation By The Form With Odd Prime Invariants” International Journal of Creative Research Thought, 2018 6(2):2098-2100.
  1. Chetna “Representation By The Form With Mutually Simple Odd Invariants ”International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,(2018) 5(2):330-333.
  2. Chetna “Cryptography For Online Security: Applications Of Number Theory”, PIMT Journal of Research, (2018) 10(2):61-63.
  3. Chetna “Representation of Integers By Form  Over The Field ” Mathematical Journal for Interdisciplinary Sciences, (2018) 6(2):119-121.
  4. Chetna “Evaluation of Options using The Cox-Ross-Rubinshtein Mathematical Model” Research & Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures, (2018) 5(3):56-58.