
New Project(1)

Research Publications – 2017

    1. Khushvinder Kumar. Cooperative learning environment by STAD and JIGSAW techniques. A Gateway to explore knowledge and inter-relations Education Times, ISSN: 2319-8265 ; 2017; 7(1) : 267-272,
    2. Khushvinder Kumar. Effect of Concept mapping strategy in Maths on achievement in relation to mathematical anxiety GHG Journal of Sixth thought, ISSN: 2348-9936. 2017; 7(1I) : 267-272,
    3. Khushvinder Kumar. Effect of concept mapping strategy in Maths on Mathematical creativity in relation to anxiety in mathematics VidywartaISSN: 2319-9318; 19(1)
    4. Khushvinder Kumar. Survey of Educational and Administrative problems of Government Secondary Schools in Punjab State GHG Journal of Sixth thought ISSN: 2348-9936; 4(1) 2017
    5. Khushvinder Kumar. Analysis of Administrative initiatives taken regarding Secondary Schools of Punjab state during the period 2009-14 Printing Area Int. Res. Journal ISSN: 2394-5303;  31(1), 2017.
    6. Sanjeev Kumar, Chitrangana Ahuja, Mahesh Kumar, Shubham Bansal and Rajeev Sharma. Study of anti-bacterial activity of Syzygium aromaticum, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and engineering 2017,6(1),162
    7. Sanjeev Kumar and Rajeev Sharma. Phytochemical and antimicrobial activity of different citrus fruit peels.: European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017,4(8)
    8. Sanjeev Kumar and Rajeev Sharma. Synthesis , characterization and solvatochromism of some 3-nitro-1,5-diarylformazans: International Journal of recent scientific Research
    1. Sanjeev Kumar and Rajeev Sharma. Synthesis of 3-substituted-1,5-diarylformazans for their use as naked eye chemical sensor for detection of Cu2+ and Hg2+. International Journal of recent scientific Research 2017,8(7)
    1. Sanjeev Kumar and Rajeev Sharma. Frontiers of Formazan Chemistry: A Review: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2017,
    1. Manu Raj Moudgil, Preeti Dubey, Ajit Kumar , “Challenges in building Dogri-Hindi Statistical MT System” in An International Journal of Engineering Sciences, Issue July 2017, Vol. 24, ISSN: 2229-6913(Print), ISSN: 2320-0332(Online), UGC Approved Journal (S.No.63019)
    2. Gurvir Kaur, Sukhdev Singh, Ajit Kumar, “Urdu Ligature Recognition Techniques- A Review”, in International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques (ICCT), (2017) Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-3030-3 DOI: 10.1109/INTELCCT.2017.8324060
    1. Dharam Veer Sharma and Harmohan Sharma, “A Character Image Classification Technique for Collecting Training Data for Very Large Classes”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advancement on Computer and Communication (ICRAC 2017), pp. 517-525, 2018, Publisher: Springer Singapore,
    2. Sapna Dhiman , Rohit Sachdeva, Sumeet Kumar , Neha Khanna (2017) “Comparative Analysis for Gurmukhi and Devanagari Script at Word Level” in International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research(ugc journal no. 49173) ((vol.5,issue 3,pp:49-64)May-June2017 , ISSN : 2348-2117)
    1. Sumeet Kumar, Neha Khanna (2017)“A Study for Searching An Image through Content Features” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (ugc journal no. 2503)( (vol.8,pp:166-169)May-2017,ISSN: 0976-5697)
    1. Amitoj Singh, Rohit Sachdeva, Kanika Goyal Published a paper on “Punjabi Sign Recognition and Education System for Differently-able Persons” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science ISSN 0976-5697 Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 404-406, May 2017.
    1. Sapna Dhiman, Rohit Sachdeva, Sumeet Kumar , Neha Khanna. Published a paper on “Comparative Analysis for Gurmukhi and Devanagari Script at Word Level” in International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research (IJETCR) ISSN 2348-2117 Impact Factor 4.06 Volume 5, Issue 3, pp 49-54, June 2017
    1. Vivek Bhardwaj , Virender Kadyan , Amitoj Singh , Rohit Sachdeva. Published a paper on “An Experimental Framework of Speaker Independent Speech Recognition System for Kashmiri Language (K-Asr) System Using Sphinx” in International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology ISSN 2348-948 Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2017
    1. Gaurav Verma, Sanjay Kumar,* Tony Pham, Zheng Niu, Lukasz Wojtas, Jason A. Perman, Yu-Sheng Chen, Shengqian Ma Partially Interpenetrated NbO Topology Metal–Organic Framework Exhibiting Selective Gas Adsorption,, Crystal Growth & Design, 2017, 2711-2717. (Article Link)
    2. Jagjit Kaur, Raman Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar. Comparative characterization of l-asparaginase extracted from plant and microbial sources. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy. (2017) 8(5): 86-89. Article Link
    3. Aooprva Singh, Neelam Verma, Kuldeep Kumar. Screening and Identification of Medicinal plants for L-asparaginase production. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. (2017) 8 (11): 22029-22034.Article Link
    4. Deepika Singla. Impact of MLM Product Attributes on customer perception while purchasing the products pp:16-22 PIMT Journal of Research (A Peer Reviewed Bi-Annual Refereed Journal) (Vol. 9; No.2 Jan-June 2017) ISSN: 02278-7295
    1. Deepika Singla. Role of celebrity endorsement on consumers’ purchase decision pp: 36-40 PIMT Journal of Research (A Peer Reviewed Bi-Annual Refereed Journal) Vol. 10; No.1 July-December 2017 ISSN: 02278-7295
    1. Varun Jain, Rachna Rani, Rakesh Kumar and R. K. Nagaich , Some characterization theorem on holomorphic sectional curvature of GCR-lightlike submanifolds, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physic, 14 (3) (2017), 1750034 (18 pages).
    2. Reyaz A. Malik, Raghbir C. Gupta, Vijay Singh, Santosh Bala and Santosh Kumari “New Chromosome reports in Lamiaceae of Kashmir (Northwest Himalaya), India”. Protoplasma (2017) 254 (2): 971-985.
    1. Raghbir C. Gupta, Vijay Kataria, Santosh Bala, Reyaz A. Malik, Vikas Sharma and Kuljit Kaur “Cytomorphological variations and new reports of B-chromosomes in the genus Plantago (Plantaginaceae) from Northwest Himalaya”. Flora-Morphology Distribution Functional Ecology of plants (2017) 234: 69-76.
    1. Ashima Singh, Harjinder Singh, and  M. Khurana. “Recyclable Zinc (II) ionic liquid catalyzed synthesis of azides by direct azidation of alcoholsusing trimethylsilylazide at room temperature.”  Tetrahedron Letters. (2017) 58 (25): 2498-2502.
    1. Harjinder Singh, Ashima Singh, and M. Khurana “A combined experimental and theoretical approach for structural, spectroscopic, NLO, NBO, thermal and photophysical studies of new fluorescent 5-amino-1-(7-chloroquinolin-4-yl)-1H-1,2,3-triazole-4-carbonitrile using density functional theory.”  Journal of Molecular Structure, (2017) 1147: 725-734.
    1. Veenu, Charu Katare, Renu Bala Sharma (2017) “The social commerce revolution: exploring the impact on revival of phulkari,” IJSTM, Vol. 6 (3), 116-121.
    1. Mittal, Arvind (2017). Implementation of Web 2.0 Services in Academic Libraries. Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science. 4(3): 1-4. ISSN 2395-2288. UGC Listing No. 43035.
    2. Mittal, Arvind (2017). Usage & Impact of Digital Resources in Agriculture University: A Study. Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science. 4(3): 5-12. ISSN 2395-2288. UGC Listing No. 43035.
    3. Mittal, Arvind (2017). User Behavior towards Digital Resources in Mohinder Singh Randhawa Library: A Study. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 4(2): 7-13. ISSN 2349-4352. UGC Listing No.
    4. Mittal, Arvind (2017). Emerging Technologies and their Impact on the Libraries. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 10 (31): 1-4. ISSN 0974-6846.
    5. Mittal, Amit, Mittal, Arvind (2017). Quick Response Codes: An Innovative Application for Schools. International Journal of Next Generation Library & Technology. 3 (4).: 1-8. 2395-5201. UGC Listing No.
    6. Mittal, Arvind (2017). Utilization of Electronic Resources by the Library users of Agricultural University of Kashmir. Library Progress (International). 37 (2): 262-268. ISSN 0970-1052. UGC Listing No.
    7. Mittal, Arvind (2017). Digital Resources and Agriculture Universities. International e-Journal of Library Science. 5 (2): 109-115. ISSN 2319-992X. UGC Listed No. 64497.
    8. Manish Sharma, Palwinder Singh and Devinder Singh “Taxonomic studies on flesh fly species (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) Parasarcophaga dux and Parasarcophaga sarupi of Indian origin”. International Journal of Entomology Research. 2017, 2(4): 21-24.
    9. Manish Sharma, Palwinder Singh and Devinder Singh “ Morphological studies on Parasarcophaga albiceps, Parasarcophaga macroauriculata and Parasarcophaga ruficornis (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) of Indian origin. International Journal of Fauna and Biological studies”, 2017, 4(4): 157-161.
    10. Manish Sharma, Palwinder Singh and Devinder Singh “ Taxonomic studies on Ravinia pernix, Boettcherisca peregrina and Seniorwhitea reciproca (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) of Indian origin”. International Journal of Zoology Studies, 2017, 2(5): 81-88.
    11. Manish Sharma, Palwinder Singh and Devinder Singh “Studies on three Indian species of Genus Parasarcophaga Johnston and Tiegs (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)”. International Journal of Entomology Research, 2017,2(5): 109-115.
    12. Manish Sharma and Devinder Singh “ Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) in Forensic Entomology”. International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, 2017, 3(1):64-66.
    13. Heena Sachdeva and Manish Sharma “Reservoir and transmission of Visceral Leishmaniasis”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology., 2017, 3(1): 59-60.
    14. Heena Sachdeva and Manish Sharma “Leishmania-Host Interaction and Survival Strategies “A Review”. International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, 2017,3(1): 41-43.
    15. Heena Sachdeva and Manish Sharma “Organ specific immunity in visceral Leishmaniasis” International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, 2017,3(1): 79-80.
    16. Heena Sachdeva and Manish Sharma “Role of cytokines in Leishmaniasis”. International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, 2017, 3(1): 81-82.
    17. Manish Sharma and Devinder Singh “Utility of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) In Forensic Entomology, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2017,3(1): 56-58.
    18. Manish Sharma and Devinder Singh “A Review on Phylogenetic Analysis of Forensically Important Flies (DIPTERA). International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, (2017),3(1): 75-78.
    19. Heena Sachdeva, and Manish Sharma “Reservoir and transmission of Visceral Leishmaniasis”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology. (2017), 3(1): 59-60.
    20. Heena Sachdeva, and Manish Sharma “Organ specific immunity in visceral Leishmaniasis”. International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology. (2017)  3(1): 79-80.
    21. Heena Sachdeva, and Manish Sharma “Role of cytokines in Leishmaniasis”. International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology. (2017) 3(1): 81-82.
    22. Heena Sachdeva, and Manish Sharma. “Leishmania-Host Interaction and Survival Strategies “A Review”. International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology. (2017)  3(1): 41-43.
    23. Harleen Kaur. “Representation of Women in the Turbulent Punjab of 1970s to 90s: Interpreting Jaspreet Singh’s Helium”. The Literary Herald. (2017) 2(4), ISSN 2454-3365: 208-215.
    1. Harleen Kaur. “Caste, Class and Gender Disparities in Rural India”. Fount International Journal of Social Sciences. (2017) 4(16), ISSN 2395-1133: 74-84.
    2. Palvinder Kaur,Sanjeev Kumar, Chi Liang Chen, Kai-Saing Yang, Da-Hua Wei, Chung, Li Dong, C. Srivastava and S.M. Rao, Gd doping induced weak ferromagnetic ordering in ZnS nanoparticles synthesized by low temperature co-precipitation technique, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2017,186: 124-130.
    1. Raghbir Chand Gupta, Akshita Gupta and Navjot Kaur. Meiotic Studies in Some Members of Tribe Andropogoneae (Poaceae) from Semi Desert Area of North India. Cytologia (2017) 82(2):105-113.
    1. Raghbir Chand GuptaAkshita Gupta and Navjot Kaur. Cytological Diversity in Some Members of Tribe Agrostideae and Eragrosteae (Poaceae) from Haryana and Adjoining Shiwalik Hills Cytologia (2017) 82(5): 501-505.
    2. Rupinder Singh.‘Punjabi Naat-khoj: Punjabi Natak De Sarotan Sabndhi Dharnavan Da Mulankan’International Journal of Research And Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), April-June 2017, Vol-04, Issue 2, e-ISSN-2348-1269
    1. Rupinder Singh. ‘Punjabi Natak-khoj Diyan Adhiyan Vidhiyan: Alochnatmak Adhiyan’, International Journal Of Advances in Arts Sciences And Engineering (IJOAASE), Aug 2017, Vol-05, ISSN-2320-6144
    2. Rupinder Singh. ‘Punjabi Naat-Khoj: Dsha Te Disha’, International Journal of Research, Nov 2017, Vol-04, Issue 19, e-ISSN-2348-6848
    4. Nidhi Gupta, S. K. Ashok Kumar, Susheel K. Mittal, Prabhpreet Bachittar Singh, S. K. Ashok Kumar, Silver Selective Electrodes using ionophores with Thioether‒Amide‒Amine, Journal of Analytical Chemistry (2017) 72, 2191-202. DOI link
    5. Sanjeev Kumar Antibacterial activity of seeds of Nigella Sativa by Agar Well Difusion Method. International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science. 5(1),2017,
    6. Sanjeev Kumar, Chitrangana Ahuja, Mahesh Kumar, Shubham Bansal and Rajeev Sharma. Study of anti-bacterial activity of Syzygium aromaticum, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and engineering 2017,6(1),162
    7. Sanjeev Kumar and Rajeev Sharma. Phytochemical and antimicrobial activity of different citrus fruit peels.: European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017,4(8)
    8. Sanjeev Kumar and Rajeev Sharma. Synthesis , characterization and solvatochromism of some 3-nitro-1,5-diarylformazans: International Journal of recent scientific Research.
    1. Sanjeev Kumar and Rajeev Sharma. Synthesis of 3-substituted-1,5-diarylformazans for their use as naked eye chemical sensor for detection of Cu2+ and Hg2+. International Journal of recent scientific Research 2017,8(7)
    1. Sanjeev Kumar and Rajeev Sharma. Frontiers of Formazan Chemistry: A Review: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2017,
    1. Navneet Kaur, Gaganpreet Kaur, Umesh A. Fegade, Amanpreet Singh , Suban K. Sahoo, Anil S. Kuwar, Narinder Singh, Anion sensing with chemosensors having multiple -NH recognition units, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 95, 86-109.
    1. Maninder Kaur, Himshikha and Vijay Kumar Singhal “Occurence of syncytes: A possible mechanism owing to the origin of polyploid cytotypes in Achillea millefolium L. within Indian Himalayas”. Cytologia (2017) 82 (4): 375-384.
    2. Vijay Kumar Singhal, Rohit Kumar, Himshikha, Puneet Kumar, Dalvir Kaur, Maninder Kaur, Pawan Kumar Rana, and Raghbir Chand Gupta “A profile of male meiosis, chromosomal variation and chromosomal status in species of Impatiens from North-West Himalayas in India”. Caryologia (2017) 70 (3): 258-269.
    3. Maninder Kaur and Vijay Kumar Singhal “First ever record of cytomixis and associated meiotic irregularities resulting into reduced pollen fertility (%age) in Clematis buchananiana DC”. IJSER (2017) 8(7): 364-379.
    4. Maninder Kaur, Vijay Kumar Singhal, and Jaswant Singh “Use of some ethnomedicinal herbs by the natives of Solang valley, Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh”. Int. J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci. (2017) vol. 9 (9): 222-227. DOI
    5. Gaurav Gupta Digital Payments-Analysing the surging Cyber Threats pp: 9-13 (December, 2017) SGTBIM&IT ISSN: 978-81-906342-8-1
    6. Gaurav Gupta Impact of MLM Product Attributes on Customer Perception while Purchasing the Products pp:16-22 PIMT Journal of Research (Bi-Annual Peer- Reviewed Journal) (Vol.9; No.2 January-June 2017) ISSN: 02278-7925
    7. Cheema, Maninder Deep and Jatinder Singh (2017), “Agriculture Crisis and Farmers’ Suicide in Punjab and India”, in S. K. Singla (ed.) Agricultural Crisis and Farmers’ Distress in Punjab, Sharma Publications, Jalandhar.
    8. Chetna “Representation of Quadratic Forms: A Tool for Coding and Cryptography”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Technology, (2017) 8(2): 96-98.


Name of equipment/accessories Make Funding Agency
HPLC Agilent UGC
Florescence Spectrophotometer Agilent UGC
Electrochemical Work Station  Gambery UGC
PCR machine Eppendorf Departmental
UV-VIS spectrophotometer Thermo Fisher UGC
Potentiometer Systronics Departmental
BOD Incubator Shaker Remi UGC
Refrigerated Centrifuge Sigma Departmental
Laminar Air Flow Yorko UGC
Weighing Balance Sartorius UGC
pH  Meter Systronics Departmental
Plant Tissue Culture Lab Established Departmental
Atomic absorption Spectrophotometer Agilent UGC
Water Purificaton System Milipore UGC

Biotechnology Lab. Equipment

  • 02 for B.Sc. (Biotechnology)
  • 02 for M.Sc. (Biotechnolog)
  • Two dedicated Classrooms, one with projector facility
  • Supported by Central Instrumental Lab with high end Instruments