
New Project(1)

Research Publications – 2015

    1. Khushvinder Kumar. Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning on Critical Thinking Dispositions of Secondary School Students Issues and Ideas in Education 2320-7655 3(1), 2015.
    2. Ashwani Kumar and Dargan Joginder Singh. “Taxonomic notes on two species of Kretzchmaria from Eastern Himalayas” KAVAKA (2015) 44: 66-68.
    3. JShah, R Sharma, I Sharma(2015) Study and Evaluation of Groundwater Quality of Malwa Region, Punjab (North India) Journal of Chemistry, Environmental Sciences and its Applications 2 (1), 41-58
    4. R Sharma, K Kaur (2015) Exogenous Sulphur Dioxide Induced Changes in Superoxide Dismutase, Peroxidation and Non-Protein SH Content in Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata) Seedling  Chitkara University Publications
    5. J Shah, I Sharma, O Silakari, R Sharma(2015) Removal of As (III) ion using Syzygium cumini seeds (SCS) biomass from ground water and waste water International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4 (9)
    6. Rajeev Sharma, Nitika and Sanjeev Kumar Spectral studies on bis (3-nitroformazan) Nickel (II) Chelates Current Trends in Biotechnology and Chemical Research, 2015
    7. Rajeev Sharma and Sanjeev Kumar. Human rights and Sikhism: Research Icon:2015,1(3),71 ISSN:2395-6585
    8. Ajit Kumar and Vishal Goyal, “Statistical Post Editing System (SPES) Applied to Hindi-Punjabi PB-SMT System”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(27),ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645 (2015)
    9. Kamal Deep Garg and Ajit Kumar, “A Survey of Spell Checkers Available for Hindi and Punjabi” in the proceedings of International Conference of Advances in Computers, Communication, and Electronic Engineering (COMMUNE-2015) held in the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India from 16-18 March 2015.
    10. Deepali, Vishal Goyal, Ajit Kumar, “Sentiment Analysis of Views Written in Gurmukhi Script” in the proceedings of International Conference of Advances in Computers, Communication, and Electronic Engineering (COMMUNE-2015) held in the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India from 16-18 March 2015.
    11. Sukhdev Singh. “Despeckling of Renal Calculi in Ultrasound Images”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Vol. 2(5), pp. 532-536, Aug.,2015.
    1. Sukhdev Singh. “Web Services: An e-Government Perspective”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), (ISBN: 978-81-924893-0-8), pp. 29-31. Aug.,2015
    1. Rohit Sachdeva. Published a paper on “A Brief Study of Feature Extraction and Classification Methods used for Character Recognition of Brahmi Northern Indian Script” in International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJEASR) ISSN 2319-4413 Impact Factor 3.084 Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.25-29, February 2015.
    1. Rohit Sachdeva. Published a paper on “Data Extraction from Hand-filled Form using Form Template”, International Journal of Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC), ISSN: 2321-8169, Volume -3, Issue -8, pp.: 5311-5317, August 2015.
    2. Sandeep Punia, Jagjit Kaur, Raman Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar. Potentiometric Biosensor for Asparagine detection. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy. (2015) 6(2): 282:284.Article Link
    3. Sandeep Punia, Raman Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar. Enzyme based asparagine biosensor for the detection of asparagine levels in leukemic samples. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. (2015) 6(4):40-43. Article Link
    4. Mandeep Kataria, Manisha Sethi, Jagjit Kaur, Sandeep Punia and Kuldeep Kumar. Formulation of nanoparticles against TB – A Review. Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery. (2015) 9(2):1-8. Article Link
    5. Davinder Singh (2015) Shabdan Di Shakti DA Kav Parvachan: Shabdan De Gulab, Samdarshi, Issue 147, ISBN: 978-93-82455-44-8, Punjabi Academy Delhi (98-108)
    6. Rupinder Sharma, (Feb-2015). Dasven Dashak Ka Hindi Upanyas : Rajnetik Mohabangh ke  Sathithi, Hasiya Ke  Aawaj . Issn No.2277-5331 p.20-24. #fiUnz “kekZ] ¼Qjojh&2015½- nlosa n”kd dk fgUnh miU;kl % jktuhfrd eksgHkax dh fLFkfr] gkf”k, dh  vkokt- Issn No.2277-5331 p.20-24.
    7. Rupinder Sharma, (Sept-Oct. 2015). Kamlashwer krit Upnias Kitna Pakistan Mein Itihas Vivak, Vaichariki . Issn No.0975-6531 p.53-58.#fiUnz “kekZ] ¼flrEcj&vDVwcj 2015½- deys’oj d`r miU;kl fdrus ikfdLrkj esa bfrgkl foosd] oSpkfjdh- Issn No.0975-6531 p.53-58.
    8. Santosh Bala, Reyaz A. Malik, and Raghbir C. Gupta “New chromosome counts in some Gentians from Western Himalayas”. Caryologia. (2015) 68 (2): 147-153.
    9. Harneet Singh (2015). Comparative study on selected physical fitness and physiological variables between volleyball and handball players.Online international interdisciplinary research journal,4 (10) 206-210
    10. Pooja Rani, Rajiv Bhandari and V.K. Jindal, Band gap modulation of B/Li doped Graphene .    Sci. Lett. 21, 2826-2829 (2015) ISSN: 1936-6612,
    11. Gagandeep Kaur, Shuchi Gupta, Pooja Rani, Keya Dharamvir, Theoretical investigation of structures and energetics of sodium adatom and its dimer on graphene: DFT study PhysicaE, 74(2015)87–92.ISSN-13869477,
    12. Jayant Sindhu, Harjinder Singh, J. M. Khurana, Chetan Sharma and K.R. Aneja  “Multicomponent domino process for the synthesis of some novel (Z)-5-(arylidene)-3-((1-aryl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)thiazolidine-2,4-diones using PEG-400 as an efficient and green media and their antimicrobial evaluation,” Chin. Chem. Lett., (2015) 26: 50-54.
    13. Jayant Sindhu, Harjinder Singhand J. M. Khurana. “Efficient and green synthesis of spiro[diindenopyridine-indoline]triones using PEG-OSO3H-H2O and [NMP]H2PO4 under conventional heating and ultrasonic irradiation and their photophysical studies” Synth. Commun., (2015) 45: 202-210.
    14. Rajeswari, Jayant Sindhu, Harjinder Singh and J. M. Khurana,. “An efficient, green synthesis of novel regioselective and stereoselective indan-1,3-dione grafted spirooxindolopyrrolizidine linked 1,2,3-triazoles via a one-pot five-component condensation using PEG-400”. RSC Adv., (2015) 5: 39686-39691.!divAbstract
    15. Harjinder Singh, Jayant Sindhu and M. Khurana. “Synthesis, fluorescent properties of xanthene – aminoquinoline derivatives and application as first turn off fluorescent chemosensor for selective and sensitive detection of Th+4 ions”, Optical materials, (2015) 42: 449–457.
    16. Harjinder Singh, Jayant Sindhu and J.M. Khurana ”Synthesis, photophyscical study of new 7-chloroquinoline based triazolyl chalcones and their derivatives”. J Lumin., (2015) 158: 340-350.
    17. Dinesh Kumar, Kavita, Karamjit Singh, Veena Verma, H. S. Bhatti (2015). Microwave Assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanowires by Polyol ProcessApplied Nanoscience, 5,881-890.
    18. Veenu garg and Renu Bala Sharma (2015) Study to assess the attitude of consumers towards online shopping of apparels and fashion accessories. IJMER, Vol 4 Issue 9(2), 60-69.
    19. Habib, Mohammad (2015) Sri Guru Nanak Dev ate antar dharam samvad. Indian literature and culture today :an interdisciplinary peer reviewd international research journal.2 :66-78. ISSN 2395-3721
    20. Habib, Mohammad (2015) Guru Ghar de rababi kirtankar. Research express: a multidisciplinary international refereed research journal.2:126-134. ISSN 2395-3756.
    21. Mittal, Arvind, Sharma, B.K. (2015). Use of Digital Resources by CCSHAU, Hisar Library Users: A Case Study. International Journal of Information Dissemination & Technology. 5 (3): 176-178. ISSN: 2229-5984. UGC Listing No. 47420.
    22. Devinder Singh, Manish Sharma and Ajay Kumar Sharma “Mitochondrial DNA based identification of forensically important Indian flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)”. Forensic Science International, (2015) 247:1-6.
    23. Devinder Singh, Manish Sharma and Ajay Kumar Sharma, “Molecular identification of two forensically important Indian flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). International Journal of Advanced Research in Science Engineering and Technology”, (2015) 2(7): 884-888.
    24. Devinder Singh, Manish Sharma and Ajay Kumar Sharma, “Molecular identification of forensically important Indian flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) by using COI gene of mitochondrial DNA”. Journal of Forensic Research, (2015) 6:1-6.
    25. Manish Sharma and Devinder Singh “Mitochondrial COI gene based identification of Indian sarcophagid flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae): A review”. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. (2015) 7(1): 8279-8281.
    26. Manish Sharma and Devinder Singh “Historical approach of forensic entomology: a review”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science Engineering and Technology, (2015), 2(9): 838-845.
    27. Sukhbir Kaur, Kanika Bhardwaj and Heena Sachdeva “Antileishmanial efficacy of Boerhaavia diffusa and Ocimum sanctum against experimental visceral leishmaniasis”. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. (2015) 53:522-529.
    28. Heena Sachdeva “Evaluation of changes in splenic lymphoid tissues during visceral leishmaniasis infection in BALB/c mice and after cisplatin in combination with herbal drug treatment”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. (2015) 2(7): 810-813.
    29. Heena Sachdeva “An insight into the treatment of Leishmaniasis. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences. (2015) 2(9):1-8.
    30. Palvinder Kaur, Sanjeev Kumar, Anupinder Singh, L. Chen, C.L. Dong, T.S. Chan, K.P. Lee, C. Srivastava, S. M. Rao and M. K. Wu, Improved magnetism in Cr doped ZnS nanoparticles with nitrogen co-doping synthesized using chemical co-precipitation technique, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, November 2015, Volume 26 (11): 9158-9163.
    31. Palvinder Kaur, S.K. Pandey, Sanjeev Kumar,S. Negi, C. L. Chen, S. M. Rao and M. K. Wu, Tuning ferromagnetism in zinc oxide nanoparticles by chromium doping, Applied Nanoscience, November 2015, Volume 5 (8): 975-981. 10.1007/s13204-014-0394-2
    32. Palvinder Kaur, Kumar, A. Singh, C.L. Chen, C.L. Dong, T.S. Chan, K.P. Lee, C. Srivastava, S.M. Rao and M.K. Wu, Investigations on doping induced changes in structural, electronic structure and magnetic behavior of spintronic Cr-ZnS nanoparticles, Superlattices and Microstructures, July 2015, Volume 83 : 785–795.
    33. Palvinder Kaur, Sanjeev Kumar, N.S. Negi and S.M. Rao, Enhanced magnetism in Cr doped ZnO nanoparticles with nitrogen codoping synthesized using sol-gel technique, Applied Nanoscience, March 2015, Volume 5 (3): 367-372.
    34. K. PandeyE. RamyaJ. K. S. GangwarPalvinder KaurSanjeev KumarD. N. Rao, and S. M. Rao, Structure and optical properties of MoS2films deposited by different methods on glass and silicon substrates AIP Conference Proceedings 1675,020040(2015);
    35. Rao, H. Bansal, K. Deep and R. Mittal (2015). Matrix Effects Studies in Fenugreek plants grown under two different soil conditions. Proceedings NSRP-20. 784-788.
    36. Rajeev Sharma, Nitika and Sanjeev Kumar. Spectral studies on bis (3-nitroformazan) Nickel (II) Chelates Current Trends in Biotechnology and Chemical Research, 2015
    37. Rajeev Sharma and Sanjeev Kumar. Human rights and Sikhism: Research Icon:2015,1(3),71 ISSN:2395-6585
    38. Navneet Kaur, Kamalpreet Kaur, Tilak Raj, Gaganpreet Kaur, Ajnesh Singh, Thammarat Aree, Sae-Jin Park, Tack-Joong Kim, Narinder Singh, Doo Ok Jang, One-pot synthesis of tricyclic dihydropyrimidine derivatives and their biological evaluation, Tetrahedron , 2015, 71, 332-337.
    39. Gaganpreet Kaur, Tilak Raj, Navneet Kaur and Narinder Singh, Pyrimidine-based functional fluorescent organic nanoparticle probe for detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2015, 13, 4673–4679.
    40. Maninder Kaur and Vijay Kumar Singhal “Cytomorphological diversity in some members of family Asteraceae from the ecologically disturbed habitats of Solang valley, Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh”. Cytologia (2015) 80 (2): 203-222.
    41. Rohit Kumar, Pawan Kumar Rana, Himshikha, Dalvir Kaur, Maninder Kaur, Vijay Kumar Singhal, Raghbir Chand Gupta and Puneet Kumar “Structural heterozygosity and cytomixis driven pollen sterility in Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC. from Western Himalayas (India)”. Caryologia (2015). 68 (3): 246-253.
    42. Singh, Jatinder and Maninder Deep Cheema (2015) “Globalization and Industrial Development in Developing Countries: Evidence from India’s Automobile Industry”, Productivity, National Productivity Council, New Delhi, pp: 159-171 (ISSN: 0032-9924).
    43. Anu Bala, Sanjeev Kumar and Rama Bhargava “2D-3D Non-rigid Registration Using Depth from Gradient Information”, 3D Research (Springer). (2015) 6(30): -1-11.
    44. Anu Bala, Sanjeev Kumar and Rama Bhargava “Recovering Depth Map from Enhanced Image Gradients”, Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier). (2015) 70: 572-578
    45. Chetna and Dr. Hardeep singh “Representations by Quadratic Forms: A Review of Significant Developments” International Journal of Education and applied research (IJEAR), (2015) 5(2):14-16.
    46. Chetna, Dr Gurmeet Singh and Dr. Hardeep Singh “Linkage between the integral representation of the elements by quadratic forms and their solutions” Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, (2015) 4(1): 11-13.
    47. Chetna and Dr. Hardeep Singh “Representation of Numbers Divisible by Sufficiently Large Squares” Engineering Sciences International Research Journal, (2015) 3(2):73-75.