
New Project(1)

Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala

Minutes of IQAC Meeting (03.08.2021)

Minutes of the meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala held on August 3, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

A meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala was held on August 3, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. in the college Library. The following member attended the meeting:

1.     Dr. Khushvinder Kumar (Chair) 6. Dr. Ganesh Sethi
2.     Mrs. Shailendra Kaur 7 Dr. Sanjay Kumar
3.     Sh. V. P. Sharma 8. Dr. Deepika Jindal
4.     Dr. Ashwani Sharma 9. Sh. Vinod Sharma
     5. Dr. Ajit Kumar  

Col. Karminder Singh, Sh. Surindra Lal, Dr. B. B. Singla, Dr. Neeraj Goyal, i, Sh. Ajay Gupta, Sh. Vinod Sharma did not attend the meeting.
Dr. Khushvinder Kumar convened the meeting, and the following agenda items were taken for discussion:

The minutes of previous meeting held on 26th May 2021, were read with a formal discussion with all IQAC members and these minutes of the meeting were approved by the IQAC members.

It is decided that all HoDs/In-charges will review and appraise the progress of the department to the chair by 16 August 2021.

The HoDs/In-charges  will submit the plan for the session 2021-2022 by 16th August 2021.

All the incharges of the certificate courses should submit proposed schedule and plan for the next academic session by 16th August 2021

A few departments are already involved with the hands-on-practices for experiential learning. Dr. Neeraj Goyal told that he is working with the students of his faculty for the hands-on-practices for experiential learning. Dr. KhusvinderKumar also requested Mr. Ved Praksh Sharma to take up experiential learning in the faculty of social sciences, particularly relevant to social services.

He also insisted that department of languages, journalism, and psychology could be the frontrunner for the same. The agenda was approved with appreciation.

Convener of the innovative cell will formalize and submit an annual (for session 2021-22) plan and a proposed long term plan of the innovative cell by 20th August 2021.

All the HoDs/Incharges of the postgraduate departments will allocate the students to faculty advisors.

Feedback is reviewed by the committee. On the basis of feedback it is decided that workshop on MOOC creation should be planned in the next academic session.

The research committee recommended the start of institutional scholarship for research students enrolled with college faculty. Various aspects of this agenda were discussed at length and the agenda was approved with appreciation.

It is decided that all HODs will submit the progress report for previous six months (Jan.-June 2021) and proposed plan for July to December 2021 by 20 August 2021.

Prof. Shailendra Sidhu, IQAC Coordinator, proposed the vote of thanks to all IQAC members and meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.