
New Project(1)

Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala

Minutes of IQAC Meeting (26.05.2021)

Minutes of the meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala held on May 26, 2021 at 12:30 p.m.

A virtual meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala was held on May26, 2021 at 12:30 p.m. through zoom platform. The following member attended the meeting:

1.      Dr. Khushvinder Kumar (Chair) 8. Dr. Ajit Kumar
2.      Sh. Surindra Lal 9. Dr. Ganesh Sethi
3.      Dr. B. B. Singla 10. Dr. Sanjay Kumar
4.      Mrs. Shailendra Kaur 11. Dr. Deepika Jindal
5.      Sh. V. P. Sharma 12. Sh. Ajay Gupta
6.      Dr. Ashwani Sharma 13. Sh. Vinod Sharma
7.      Dr. Neeraj Goyal

Col. Karminder Singh could not attend the meeting due to health reasons.
Dr. Khushvinder Kumar welcomed the members of the committee, and after that, the following agenda items were taken for discussion:

The minutes of previous meeting held on 10thFebruary 2021, were read with a formal discussion with all IQAC members and these minutes of the meeting were approved by the IQAC members.

College efforts for the blended mode of learning were appreciated by the external experts mentioning that this college is first in the region to start the process of blended learning. In addition, it was suggested that blended mode of learning could be further strengthened with more lectures, video recordings and other ICT tools and the agenda was approved with great appreciation.

Principal, Dr. Khushwinder Kumar, informed the cell that there are chances of centralised portal for the admission this year by the state government. In this light, a team comprising Mr. Vinay Garg, Dr. Neeraj Goyal and Dr. Ganesh Sethi, deputed to amend the admission process accordingly. The team will be preparing and aligning our portal with the central portal; to check the financial and gateway requirement of fee payments with the bank; and to coordinate to manage the process with central portal. It was also informed that by next week our portal will be updated as per the requirement of the central portal and will be operational.

Dr. Khusvinder Kumar apprised all the members that college administration and faculty are doing efforts to inculcate better research environment for last couple of years resulting in comparatively good research output by the college. He also added that expectations in research and research outcomes are quite high at national level, so we need to be proactive and more aggressive for the same. It is suggested that all the faculty members and especially the recently joined faculty will be motivated to submit the articles.

Dr. Ajit Kumar informed that computer faculty is in the process of developing resources and his two research fellows developed two ‘language corpora’ that are registered and available to the research community.

Dr. B. B. Singla suggested the younger faculty should be motivated to write an article related to their research and develop bibliographic inventory of research field they are working. The suggestions were whole-heartedly welcomed by the full house and are forwarded to research cell for necessary action.

Principal also informed that Vice-Chancellor, Punjabi University released book on ‘Research ethics’ to which two faculty members of the college contributed. This book will be included as reference in the pre-PhD course work.

A few departments are already involved with the hands-on-practices for experiential learning. Dr. Neeraj Goyal told that he is working with the students of his faculty for the hands-on-practices for experiential learning. Dr. KhusvinderKumar also requested Mr. Ved Praksh Sharma to take up experiential learning in the faculty of social sciences, particularly relevant to social services.

He also insisted that department of languages, journalism, and psychology could be the frontrunner for the same. The agenda was approved with appreciation.

It is mentioned by the principal that college is already running five certificate courses by various departments that are complimentary to curriculum and stressed onexploring the possibilities of more such courses. Dr Ganesh Sethi suggested to start a 120 hours basic course in computer applications. He further informed that in most of the job notification of Punjab govt there is a mandatory condition of 120 hours computer application course. He quoted the examples of recent advertisements notified for patwari and excise inspector jobs. IQAC members advised to explore and check the basic requisites to start the said course. The house appreciated the move and recommended to start more such skill specific courses.

Dr. B. B. Singla advised keeping in view the COVID situation the college should opt for postgraduate classes only for the time looking into the COVID 19 constraints, instead group projects would be more beneficial and that too in virtual mode, wherever feasible.

Dr. Khusvinder Kumar informed that innovative and entrepreneurship practices are the need of the hour and further apprised that a committee for innovative practices has already been constituted in the college. Dr. Neeraj Goyal will be the convener of the committee and the committee will prepare and submit a proposal with potential activities and their expected outcomes within a fortnight.

In addition, Dr. Neeraj Goyal intimated that they are planning to start an entrepreneurship lab in business management department to provide required information to students and collaborate with various government departments that supports the new startups. Dr. B. B. Singla advised to collaborate with NEDC (National Entrepreneurship Development Corporation). The corporation support for innovative and entrepreneurship practices in any institution with documentation, resolving the arising issues and grants. Dr. Singla further stressed that NEDC specially supports educational institute with all such matters including patent processes.

It was proposed that Prof. Shailendra Sidhu will organise a proframme for the faculty on IPR and the funding process for research projects.

Prof. Surindra Lal, Member college managing committee expressed his contentment on the proactive planning by IQAC responding to the contemporary needs. Prof. Shailendra Sidhu, IQAC Coordinator, proposed the vote of thanks to all IQAC members and meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.