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Life Sciences

The Department of Life Sciences offers Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Medical, a three year undergraduate degree program. The course is considered as a foundation course for students who want to make their career in the field of Biological Sciences.

Established in the year 1967, with the aim to foster value based quality education in the fields of Animal and Plant biology and Environmental sciences, the Department has well equipped laboratories with projectors, classrooms, departmental library and research facilities supported by Central Instrumentation Lab. The Department also has Museum collection housing floral and faunal specimens, Herbarium, Insect collection, rare collection of fossils and corals and preserved specimen of all the major plant taxa. The Department maintains the well-stocked Botanical Garden which serves as the repository of the source material for botanical studies.

Faculty is highly qualified with research interests in varied fields of Animal and Plant Taxonomy, Cytogenetics, Molecular Biology, Medical and Forensic Entomology, Physiology, Parasitology and is well versed with novel teaching methods. In addition to teaching through modern techniques; Seminars, symposia, Workshops and Extension lectures are an integral part of the academic programme of the department. Regular excursions are organized to Instrumentation labs, Botanical Gardens, Wetlands and various National parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries to provide hands on training and experience to the students

Under the aegis of the Department, the Biological Society organizes co-curricular activities like special lectures, Quiz, Poster making, Scientific paper reading, Essay writing competitions on International and National days of importance (Science Day, Ozone day, World Biodiversity Day, Environment day etc.), which act as a springboard for creating awareness regarding these campaigns. Inter Institutional Science Fair is an annual event organized by the Department along with other Science departments to promote critical thinking regarding global issues among the students and encourage them to use design and creativity to showcase their scientific and technological skills.


Course Duration Eligibility
BSc – Medical 3 Years 10+2 with Medical
MSc – Food and Nutrition 2 Years BSc (Home Sc./Food and Nutrition/Med./Non-Med./Bio-tech/Bio-Chem./Microbiology) with at least 50% marks
Key Feature: :
  • Professional, dedicated and experienced faculty
  • Wi-Fi campus with state-of –the-art computerized central library
  • Fully equipped laboratories with all the latest high-end equipment
  • Guest lectures by eminent academicians
  • Scholarships for meritorious and needy students
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Research projects for undergraduate students under the guidance of the faculty
Career Opportunities ::

The course run by the department helps aspiring students to apply for higher studies which help them find their vocation in teaching and research careers in various colleges and universities and Govt. institutes like FRI, DST, DBT, CSIR and DRDO. Graduates can find job opportunities in public sector organizations like Fisheries department, Forest department, Food Corporation and other government agencies like Pollution Control Board, Biodiversity Board etc. The students can also opt for administrative services (I.A.S, I.F.S., P.C.S., Indian Forest Service etc.).

With the enormous growth in the field of Life Science, job prospects have grown in specialized sub-fields. Graduates can be employed in biomedical and pharmaceutical research, management, intellectual property law, forensics, bioethics etc. In addition, students can work as Botanist, Zoologist, Microbiologist, Mycologist, Phycologist, Entomologist, Forester, Geneticist, Molecular Biologist, Biochemist, Developmental Biologist, Ecologist, Epidemiologist, Food Scientist, Immunologist, Marine Biologist, Medical Illustrator, Medical Laboratory Technician, Nutritionist, Palaeontologist, Physiologist and Science/Technical Writer.


  • 02 for B.Sc.
  • 01- Plant Tissue culture and Instrumental Facilities
  • 01- Food and Nutrition Lab

Botanical Garden with Green House and Poly House facilities
Two dedicated Classrooms, one with projector facility
Supported by Central Instrumental Lab with high end Instruments

Department of Botany and Zoology


  • Museum and collections of Specimens (Rare as well as curriculum related )
  • Stuffed rare animals of different geographical regions.
  • Rare collection of fossil specimen and corals covering the marine animal ecology.
  • Preserved specimen of all the major plant taxa.
  • Class work material is generally collected during excursion.
  • The lab is equipped with latest technology research microscopes.
  • Herbarium files are also maintained by the students
  • Insect collection belonging to major orders of class Insecta is maintained in the lab.

Botany Lab equipment

Department of Food and Nutrition


    1. Microwave – 1
    2. Oven – 1
    3. Cooking Range – 1
    4. Food Processor – 1
    5. Fridge – 1
    6. Induction – 1
    7. Weighing Machine – 1
    8. R.O. – 1

Cafetaria organised by Dept of Food and Nutrition

Course Duration Eligibility
MSc – Food & Nutrition 2 Years BSc (Home Science/Food and Nutrition/Medical/Non-Medical/Biotechology/Biochemistry/Microbiology) with at least 50% marks