Patiala: 26 September, 2019
Talent Hunt held for Fine Arts Competitions
On Sept. 26th 2019 Talent Hunt for Fine Arts Competitions has been organized by Fine Arts Committee in Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala. A Series of competition were held under the guidance of Prof. Neena Sareen, Coordinator of the Committee, Dr. Sukhdev, Dr. Rohit Sachdeva , Prof. Poonam Sharma, Dr. Veenu Jain, Dr. Nidhi, Dr. Gagandeep along with other committee members. As many as 147 students participated enthusiastically in competitions – Poster Making, Rangoli, Collage Making, Cartoon Making, On the Spot Painting, Clay Modeling, Photography and embroidery. Principal Dr. Khushwinder Kumar appreciated the students’ effort and congratulated them for their creative ventures. Themes for various competitions were – Swatch Bharat, Nutrition, Anti Drug for Poster Making, Anti Drug and Mahatma Gandhi for Collage, Phulkari for Embroidery, collage campus for On the Spot Painting, Clean India, Nutrition, Anti Drug for Cartooning and Swatch Bharat, Green Campus, Save Earth for Photography.
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