
New Project(1)


Certificate Course in Soft Skills (30 Hours)

Department of Business Management

Objective to the Programme
The objective of the programme is to inculcate skills so that they can communicate effectively, take initiative, solve problems and demonstrate a positive personality so that they can adhere to challenging work environment. The courses is intended to enhance the employability of the students. The courses will help to bridge the gap between the skill requirements of the employer or industry and the competency of the students. Following are broad objectives of programme:
Duration of the Programme
Total duration of the course is 30 hours including both theory and practicals.
The course shall have evaluated on base of Continuous evaluation of 100 marks based on student participation and response during the course. Evaluation criterial include regular participation of student in the programme, response of student during the programme and evaluation test conducted during the programme. Final Score for 100 Marks shall be calculated for the continuous evaluation and grade shall be awarded as per the grading system below.
S.No. Grade Grade Points Absolute Marks
1 O (Outstanding) 10 90 and above
2 A+ (Excellent) 9 80 to 89
3 A (Very Good) 8 70 to 79
4 B+ (Good) 7 60 to 69
5 B (Above Average) 6 50 to 59
6 C (Average) 5 40 to 50
7 F (Fail) – Below 40
All students of Graduation and Post-Graduation classes.
Successful students will be awarded certificates issued by the college.
Module Theory Practical Duration
Personal Skills
1. Introduction to Soft Skills Ice Breaking Session 1
2 Personal Interview – Meaning, types, dress up, etiquettes, strategies,  most common questions Student Mock interviews by expert panel. 3


3. Group Discussion – Meaning, Traits required, evaluation criteria, Dos and Donts of GD, Strategies, Opening the discussion, involvement in discussion, concluding the discussion. Mock G.D session on various topics. 3
4. Case Study solving – Meaning of case study, various issues in solving case study, evaluation criteria, strategies for solving cases, Dos and Donts. Practical case study discussion using real life cases. 2
5. Communication Skills –  Meaning of Communication, Types, Essentials of effective communication, Dos and Donts of communication, Speaking Skill strategies, Listening Skill strategies, Emotional Intelligence Exercise of Speaking Skill,

Listening Skill exercise,

Use of non-verbal communication, Extempore speech.

6. Time Management – Meaning, Major time wasters, being organized, managing time, completing work on time. Questionnaire regarding evaluation of time management skill. 1
Job Searching Skills
7. Resume Writing – showing personal energy, supervising

oneself, building your resume, understanding business, gathering references.

Mock resume preparation by students 2
8. Profile Building – Meaning of profile, benefits of profile building, Scope of profile, Updation of profile. Profile making exercise 2
Interpersonal  Skills


Leadership Skills – Good Leader;

Leaders and Managers; Leadership Theories; Types of

Leaders; Leadership Behaviour; Assertiveness Skills.

Games for checking leadership abilities, Psychological testing of leadership qualities 2
10. Team Building – · Groups Meaning, · Group Dynamics,  Team building Team Building Practices

through group exercises, team

task / role play, Ability to mixing & accommodation,  Ability to work together

Information Technology and Social Media Skills
11. Presentation using Power Point – introduction, Knowing the audience and their requirements, Effective ways to deliver the presentation, How to prepare the multi-media presentation. Preparation of presentation on given topic 3
12. Social Media – Effective usage for personal gains, searching job online, use of social media for marketing, E-mail etiquettes, Job sites registration, effective use of social sites 3