
New Project(1)

Multani Mal Modi College Mission / Vision

Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya” (lead me from darkness to light)


To be a forward looking institution that provides quality education at affordable cost and make the students humane and conscious of contemporary societal concerns.


Our mission is to ensure that all modiites: learn independently; develop higher order thinking skills; care for sustenance of ecosystem; strive for excellence.


  • To provide an environment where young minds are enthused to be creative and innovative
  • To provide level playing field for economically disadvantaged, socially neglected and differently abled students
  • To sensitize students to social, economic, cultural and environmental issues
  • To provide opportunities where latent talents of students can bloom
  • To design programmes for training
  • Students to imbibe scientific, logical and critical thinking for encountering challenges
  • To facilitate skill-building of the staff for smooth transition from teacher-centered model to student-centered model of education
  • To develop and sustain a caring and supportive climate for promoting individual and collective excellence
  • To build state of the art infrastructure equipped with latest technology in order to enrich the teaching-learning experience.
  • To align the knowledge delivery system to shifting pedagogical paradigms