
New Project(1)

Physical Sciences


S.No. Laboratory Number
1. Central Instrumentation Lab. 01
2. Organic Chemistry 01
3. Inorganic Chemistry 01
4. Physical Chemistry 01
5. Analytical Chemistry 01
6. Research Labs 02
7. Dark Room (Chemistry) 01
8. Physics Labs 02
9. Dark Room (Physics) 03

Department of Physics

Course Duration Eligibility
BSc – Non-Medical 3 Years 10+2 with Non-Medical
  • Quality Equipment for Physics experiments

Department of Computer Science

Course Duration Eligibility
BSc – Computer Science 3 Years 10+2 with Non-Medical

Faculty – Department of Computer Science

Sr. No. Name of the Teacher Qualification
1. Mr. Vinay Garg [C.V.] MCA
2. Dr. Ajit Kumar [C.V.] MCA, M.Phil., Ph.D.
3. Dr. Ganesh K. Sethi [C.V.] M.C.A., M.Sc. (Maths), Ph.D.
4. Dr. Harmohan Sharma [C.V.] MCA, Ph.D.
5. Dr. Sukhdev Singh [C.V.] MCA, M.Phil., Ph.D.
6. Dr. Sumeet Kumar [C.V.] MCA, Ph.D.
7. Dr. Rohit Sachdeva [C.V.] MCA, M.Phil., Ph.D.
8. Ms Yugesh Sharma MTech.
9. Dr. Sapna Dhiman MCA, Ph.D.
10. Ms. Honey Wadhawan MCA
11. Ms. Priyanka Singla MCA
12. Mr. Shiva Mehta M.Tech.
13. Ms. Sunaina MCA